I often get asked, what is GEIST?
Everyone in the inner circle knows of course that it is my musical trilogy. But how do you explain that to the rest of the world that doesn’t speak English? Good question. I decided to make a collection of video trailers to bring the message of the project to people all around the world. Below are 12 video trailers in different languages. If I haven’t included yours, it will be coming soon. I promise.
Sincerely, Martin Cole.
The samples below are in: English (Original Trailer) German, Japanese, Italian, Arabic, French, Chinese, Spanish, Swedish, Hindi, Filipino and Portuguese.

GEIST - Original Trailer in English

GEIST - Trailer in German

GEIST - Trailer in Japanese

GEIST - Trailer in Italian

GEIST - Trailer in Arabic

GEIST - Trailer in French

GEIST - Trailer in Chinese

GEIST - Trailer in Spanish

GEIST - Trailer in Swedish

GEIST - Trailer in Hindi

GEIST - Trailer in Filipino


GEIST - Trailer in Portuguese