Was lange währt, wird endlich gut!
(It's been a long time coming.)

Martin Nethercutt considers the GEIST-Trilogy to be his lifetime musical work and achievement.

GEIST Book of Shadows

The Book of Shadows is a SciFi dystopian thrill ride following the adventures and story of Martin Cole.

Set in the future, it paints a picture of where we all could be in 2027.

Martin Cole (protagonist), is one of the few survivors of the global pandemic, who fights for the truth, uncovering multiple conspiracies.

Caught between the forces of darkness (ANRAC) and the powers of light, he makes his way through an unforgiving human landscape.

Built for an online audience, the Book of Shadows encompasses 25 chapters of stories, music videos and spoken word.

Martin Cole is building his fellowship (Disciples) online by launching one chapter of the story every 11 days.

Started originally as a ‘concept’ music album, The Book of Shadows is closer to the truth of reality than the protagonist and the writer could have ever imagined.

Influences and styles:

Think Harry Potter meets Aliens for grownups

Film: Blade Runner, Blade, Alien, Blue Velvet, Book of Secrets. Harry Potter

Musical influences: Queensryche, Metallica, Led Zeppelin, Joni Mitchell, Rush

Watch the trailer and get hooked on the story by click the button below.